On the Horizon: Wi-Fi Hotspots Eligible for E-Rate Support!
This blog is dedicated to sharing what we know about the highly anticipated Wi-Fi hotspot loan program proposed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC recently released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ("NPRM") supporting loaning Wi-Fi hotspots and services for off-premise use to students and library patrons without internet access at home. With the ending of the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF), the hope is that this funding will continue the access provided by the ECF.
Funding will be provided through the E-Rate program. Major details are still being finalized, and the FCC is in the process of reviewing comments for consideration. Below are some of the important decisions that the FCC has asked for comments on:
How to ensure that the use of off-premise Wi-Fi hotspots will be for educational purposes and by the intended individual?
How to prioritize funding if demand exceeds the E-Rate annual funding cap?
How to prioritize support for individuals who do not have internet access at home and cannot afford it? The goal of this program is to target the students and library patrons with the most need.
Should this program be ineligible to Head Start and pre-Kindergarten students due to research suggesting that over one hour of internet access per day is harmful to this age group?
Funding and allocation are major challenges that the FCC will be working to meet.
On the Horizon
Application rules and timing are unclear. It’s possible there may be a separate application window for FY2024, or that funding won’t be open until FY2025.
All comments in reply to the FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking were due on January 29, 2024. The FCC is now working to finalize the set of rules for funding. We will keep you informed as more information is released.
To view the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, click here.
If you have any questions, please let us know by clicking the button below.
For help with applying for CTF or E-Rate, telecom optimization audits, or telecom project management, reach out to us at HWC Consultants!